TSA Portfolio & Resume Clinic
On May 4th 2024, TSA (Toronto Society of Architects) hosted their first ever Portfolio and Resume Review Clinic, allowing guest reviewers including Axis Recruitment to provide feedback on these documents and work samples, and to share our insights on practices within the industry and our experience in the hiring process.

All photo’s by Yianni Tong, courtesy of Toronto Society of Architects.
How we helped…
The Clinic was organized incredibly by TSA, and it was great to see such a large turnout of candidates eager to learn. Our team was able to provide insight on industry expectations and trends, helping each candidate make their resume and portfolio more competitive for their respective discipline.
It was fantastic to see how receptive each individual was to our feedback and applying these insights. We received several comments about how difficult it can be to understand the industry standards and how best to organize this information. Receiving professional feedback is very valuable, especially from those who are involved in evaluating resumes and portfolios every day!
The feedback from TSA’s event was incredible. Those dropping in for the Clinic were patient, polite, and well-prepared. Everyone was friendly and interested in each other’s background and experience. We also heard that the nanaimo bars provided in the snack area were unreal…!
Overall, the organizers did a great job in keeping the flow of conversation and timing on track. Each volunteer’s oversight was invaluable in providing candidates with constructive feedback on their work.
What's Next?
This event helped us realize the incredible amount of appreciation surrounding critical feedback on resumes and portfolios for architects and similar disciplines. We have recently launched a new platform called Axis Career Hub, in which our team not only provides general advice on starting your career in Canada, but also offers resume and portfolio reviews for candidates looking for that extra set of eyes. We can also assist with interview preparation, and provide advice on networking and market trends.
You can find the Career Starter Program on our website at the button below - Axis Career Hub.